Networking: 5 Circles of Influence

If you include networking as part of your routine, Then you will have the resources you need to achieve your commitments.
This means being intentional with your work relationships and knowing how each person connects to a common purpose. Once you have crafted your 2-minute story of commitment, make a list of whom you will share it with.
What is your 2-minute story?
How can leaders inspire & motivate when sharing goals? By explaining your goal as a 2-minute story. It takes more than telling others what your goals are. It is about being intentional about the way you share your commitment and how you connect to others as you do so.
If you share your commitment as a story, then you are more likely to inspire and motivate others.
Shared values connect us to each other. Stories inspire. So, once you have created your goals and commitments, construct a 2-minute narrative that tells the story of your challenge, what is important, and the desired future.
Determine your Circles of Influence
Make a list of people who need to hear your commitment. From your employees, colleagues, and stakeholders select people who can, directly or indirectly, help you reach your goals.
1.Start with People you trust.
This can be anyone who fits into the other four categories. This is someone you are comfortable with and someone whom you trust explicitly to give you objective feedback. Examples: friends, family, boss, colleagues
2.People you lead.
This is includes your direct reports and others you lead indirectly. Examples: employees, staff, volunteers, members
3.People you work/collaborate with.
These are people you don’t lead “officially” but whom you work with. Examples: peers, other departments, other organizations, vendors
4.People you need.
This group includes people who are not in groups 1-3. It may be stakeholders, people you need on your side, or people who have something that can help, and most importantly: PEOPLE WHO WILL NETWORK ON YOUR BEHALF.
5.People from the larger community.
These are people (or groups of people) who exist outside of your organization who influence or are influenced by your organization. Examples: professional organizations, board of directors, a community action group, your town, state or county
Create your Community
Begin sharing with people you are most comfortable with and continue through group 5. Start with at least 3 connections from each group. Revise your 2-minute story of commitment each time you tell it depending on your audience. Over a period of weeks or months, you will create a community of supportive relationships.
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